6 Volleyball Positions (Roles, Responsibilities & Attributes) - Volleyball Kit (2024)

In volleyball, there are six different positions on the court. Each positions has its own job that’s important for the team to win. It’s like any other team game where every player has to do their part really well. Volleyball is quick and needs players to be very fit.

The player has to decide that out of these six positions, which is the best for him in the game. I have discussed each volleyball position along with roles and responsibilities of the players in this article. So, don’t divert your attention, stay with us, and read the entire blog.

The key volleyball positions are:

  1. Setters
  2. Outside Hitter (Left Front)
  3. Middle Blocker (Middle Front)
  4. Opposite Hitter
  5. Libero
  6. Defensive Specialist

It’s important to understand that ‘the serving specialist’ can be considered as a seventh position in the volleyball. However, the serving specialist is more about strategic substitutions than adding an additional player position.

Volleyball Positions in Court

  • The Setters most commonly positioned in Right Front (RF) – Position 2 when in the front row. When in the back row, they often start from Right Back (RB) – Position 1.
  • Outside Hitters primarily occupy Left Front (LF) – Position 4 in the front row. After rotating from the front row, they typically move to Left Back (LB) – Position 5 in the back row.
  • Opposite Hitters also known as right side hitters, they play opposite to the setter. They typically start in Right Front (RF) – Position 2 when the setter is in the back row, and in Right Back (RB) – Position 1 when the setter is in the front row.
  • Middle Blockers begin in Middle Front (MF) – Position 3 when in the front row. When rotating to the back row, they often move to Middle Back (MB) – Position 6. However, in many rotations, middle blockers are subbed out when they rotate to the back row, especially in professional or higher-level play.
  • Libero doesn’t have a fixed starting position but always occupies one of the back row positions. They can be in Right Back (RB) – Position 1, Middle Back (MB) – Position 6, or Left Back (LB) – Position 5.
  • Defensive Specialist is similar to the libero, they don’t have a fixed position but usually rotate into the back row to bolster the team’s defense. They can play in any back row position (RB, MB, or LB), depending on the player they are substituting.

Volleyball Positions

1- Setters – central Figures

The setters play an important role in the volleyball. The are considered the central figures of the volleyball game. Much like the quarterback in football or the point guard in basketball, the setter orchestrates the team’s movement and strategy.

Setters hands guide the ball’s direction, but their vision and understanding guide the team’s rhythm and flow.

Job Description of the setters

The essence of a setter’s role revolves around providing precise sets to attackers. Their primary goal is to set the ball accurately, with options ranging from sending it to the outside hitter, the middle, or even the right-side hitter. These decisions aren’t pre-planned; they’re made in the heat of the game.

A setter must quickly assess the situation, determine the type of set, and decide which teammate is best positioned to make the attack, all in a matter of moments.

Responsibilities of the Setters

Ball Handling: The setter’s connection with the ball is unparalleled. Their fingers mold the game’s direction as they’re responsible for shaping the ball’s path. It’s imperative for them to consistently deliver a ball that is not just playable, but optimally placed for the hitters to capitalize on.

Decision Making: A critical part of their role is interpreting the game as it unfolds. They must gauge the defense’s alignment, comprehend the ongoing match dynamics, and then, with this information, determine the best course of action, choosing which teammate is primed to strike.

Serving and Defense: A setter’s job doesn’t end with setting. When rotated to the back row, their duties expand to serving and contributing to the team’s defense. Their adaptability is tested as they juggle between offensive playmaking and fortifying the team’s defensive line.

Leading the Team: More than just their technical role, setters are the team’s emotional anchors. They’re frequently the voices you’ll hear above the rest, providing encouragement, strategizing aloud, and ensuring the team’s spirit remains undeterred and high.

Communicative Language of the Setters on court

Clear communication is a non-negotiable skill for setters. They employ a mix of verbal cues and non-verbal signs to relay their intentions.

Verbal Calls: Prior to the opponent’s serve or in transition, setters may vocally announce particular plays, alerting hitters of potential strategies or reminding them of preset game plans.

Hand Signals: Silent communication is equally crucial. By using discreet hand gestures, usually behind their backs, setters can convey their intentions to their teammates, especially the middle hitters. For example, a simple gesture, like a clenched fist, can be the cue for a rapid middle attack.

Attributes of a Good Setter

Soft Hands: Mastery over the ball is essential. The skill to gently manipulate the ball ensures that it neither spins uncontrollably nor speeds off, facilitating an efficient attack for the hitters.

Quick Decision Making: The sport’s speed demands that a setter possesses the ability to make informed choices in a flash, adapting as the game evolves.

Spatial Awareness: A keen sense of positioning is vital. Setters must always be conscious of each player’s location, ensuring the ball is set in a manner that advantages their team.

Good Footwork: Agility is key. The ability to swiftly position themselves, ensuring they’re always under the ball, is a combination of innate agility and practiced technique.

Leadership Qualities: Beyond technical skills, a standout setter radiates confidence, communicates effectively, and exudes a calming aura, ensuring the team remains synchronized and motivated. They’re not just setting the ball; they’re setting the game’s pace and tone.

Setter Dump: While setters are primarily responsible for setting up plays, they can also “dump” the ball over the net when least expected, catching the opposing team off guard.
Back Set: Setters often use a back set to deliver the ball to hitters behind them, adding variety to attacks.

2- Outside Hitters – Shining Stars

Often the shining stars on the court, outside hitters in volleyball play a crucial role. You’ll often see them leaping high and hitting the ball with force, attempting to land it in an opponent’s court or off the blockers’ hands.

What They Do?

Outside hitters are primary attackers, especially from the front left position. They take many of the high balls and are often the ‘go-to’ attackers when the reception isn’t perfect or when the setter is out of play. Their role is to attack, but also to contribute in defense when they rotate to the back row.

Pipe Attack: An outside hitter doesn’t always hit from the net. Sometimes, they execute a ‘pipe’ attack, where they spike the ball from the back row, right in the middle.

Responsibilities of Outside Hitters

Attacking: This is their main job. They aim to hit the ball past or through the block, finding gaps in the opponent’s defense or using power to hit through defenses.

Blocking: When at the net, outside hitters also have to block opposing hitters, particularly those on the opponent’s outside.

Back-Row Play: When rotated to the back row, outside hitters also contribute in receiving serves and playing defense. They can also attack from the back row, though with certain restrictions.

Serve: Like all players, outside hitters serve when it’s their turn in the rotation.

Outside Hitters Communication on the Court

Calling for Sets: Outside hitters will often call for the ball by shouting a specific word or the setter’s name, signaling they are ready to attack.

Feedback to Setter: After a play, they might give feedback to the setter about the height or speed of the set, ensuring better coordination in future plays.

Attributes of a Strong Outside Hitter

Powerful Arm Swing: Essential for hitting the ball with force, ensuring it goes down fast and hard.

Jumping Ability: The higher they can jump, the better angles they can hit and the more effective their blocks will be.

Adaptability: As they handle imperfect sets and are expected to attack under varied conditions, they need to be versatile and adaptable.

Strong Defense Skills: Especially important when they’re in the back row, being good at both digging and reception.

Mental Toughness: As key attackers, they often face strong blocks and must remain resilient and confident, even when things aren’t going their way.

3- Middle Blockers – Towering players

Middle blockers are the towering presence in volleyball. With their tall heights and ability to move quickly, they defend against attacks and make strong hits in the game.

Middle blockers are best Impeder

Middle blockers are primarily known for blocking – hence the name. They stand tall at the net, attempting to stop or redirect opponents’ attacks. But they’re also responsible for swift and strategic attacks of their own.

Slide Attack: A move where middle blockers, or sometimes right-side hitters, take off with one foot behind the setter to attack the ball. It’s a way to spread out the offense and confound blockers.

Responsibilities of Middle Blockers

Blocking: The first line of defense. They jump to block opponents’ attacks, working to predict where the ball will go and placing their hands and body in the best position to stop it.

Quick Attacks: They’re often on the receiving end of quick sets, making fast plays to catch the defense off guard.

Serve and Transition: Once they’ve served, they quickly transition to the front net to prepare for blocking or attacking.

Covering: Post-attack, they’re vital in covering hitters, preparing to dig or save any balls that the blockers of the opposing team might deflect.

Communication of Middle Blockers on the Court

They communicate with other blockers about where and how to block, using both verbal cues and hand signals.

Using specific words or short calls, they inform the setter they’re ready for a quick hit.

Post-play, they communicate with the setter about the ball’s height, speed, or placement, aiming for better synergy in upcoming plays.

Attributes of a Top Middle Blocker

Height and Reach: It’s an advantage to be tall as a middle blocker, but what’s even more crucial is how high they can reach, both for blocking and attacking.

Quick Reflexes: Given the speed of quick sets and the need to move laterally for blocks, swift reactions are a must.

Spatial Awareness: They must read the game, anticipate the opposing setter’s choices, and position themselves effectively.

Strong Jumping Ability: Jumping high and fast is essential for effective blocks and attacks.

Mental Agility: The game moves fast in the middle. Quick decisions, adapting to different setters and hitters, and resetting mentally after each point are crucial.

4- Opposite Hitter – Backbone of volleyball

Often dubbed the unsung heroes, opposite hitters are the backbone of many successful volleyball teams. They stand across from the setter in team rotations, and they consistently bring fierce attacks paired with reliable defense.

Role of Opposite Hitters

The primary spot for opposite hitters is the front-right near the net. They have multifaceted duties: from launching assaults on the ball to impeding rival outside hitters, and even stepping up defensively when the setter is front and center.

Core Duties of the Opposite Hitters

Attack Mode: They stand as some of the most formidable attackers on their squad. Their task? Handle tricky balls and constantly put pressure on the adversary’s defense.

The Wall Up Front: It’s a showdown when they’re up against top hitters from the other team. Their goal is to block and effectively deny them scoring opportunities.

Guardians of the Back Row: Shifted to the back? They’re on the defense, making game-changing digs and ensuring a sizeable chunk of the court is under their watch.

Serving Duty: When their rotation comes up, they serve. And a good serve from them can significantly shift the game’s momentum.

Opposite Hitters On-Court Dialogues

Set Requests: They have a clear line of communication with the setter, signaling when they’re in position and ready for an offensive move.

Strategizing Blocks: Through brief words or hand motions, they chalk out block strategies with their fellow front-row teammates.

Feedback Loop: Post-play, they’re in dialogue with the setter, discussing the set’s effectiveness or suggesting tweaks for future plays.

Traits of a Stellar Opposite Hitter

Might in Every Swing: Their arm strength isn’t just for show; it’s a tool that produces intimidating hits, making it tough for rivals.

Blocking Mastery: It’s all about the right timing and where they place their hands. This ensures they halt or alter the trajectory of opposing hits.

Versatility: The game’s tempo is ever-changing. They need the prowess to effortlessly transition between offense and defense.

Unyielding Stamina: They’re almost always in action, whether on offense or defense. That requires an impressive energy reserve.

Focused Resolve: They encounter powerful opponents and high-pressure scenarios. Keeping a clear head and maintaining composure are crucial.

5- Liberos – Key Defenders

Liberos are like the hidden backbone in volleyball. They have big responsibility on their shoulders. They are considered the defensive specialist. If you think of volleyball as a castle, then liberos are its guards, always ready to defend.

What Liberos Do on the Court?

Liberos are the main defenders in the team. They wear different clothes so you can spot them easily. They can’t hit the ball over the net from a jump close to it, and they’re not allowed to serve, block, or try to block. Their main job is at the back of the court, stopping powerful hits from the other team.

Main Jobs of Libeors

Stopping the Ball (Digging): They are the first to react when the other team hits the ball hard, making sure it doesn’t land on the ground.

Helping in Setting: Sometimes, when the main person who sets the ball (the setter) is busy, the libero helps out by setting the ball.

Moving Fast on the Court: They run around a lot, making sure the ball doesn’t drop on their side.

Getting the Ball from a Serve: They stand at the back and often receive serves, passing the ball to the setter.

Talking on the Court

Saying “It’s Mine!”: Liberos shout things like “mine” to tell others that they’ll get the ball. This helps avoid bumps with teammates.

Guiding the Team: Since they’re at the back, they can see everything. They tell their teammates where to stand or how to defend better.

Giving Tips: After a play, they talk to the team about what they saw and how to play better next time.

What Makes a Good Libero?

Being Quick: The game can change really fast. They need to move or dive quickly to get the ball.

Guessing Where the Ball Will Go: They should have a good idea of where the ball might land and move there before it’s hit.

Good Ball Skills: Even if they move fast, they need to handle the ball well, making sure their passes go to the right place.

Staying Calm: Volleyball can be tough. They face hard hits and must make fast decisions, so they need to keep a cool head.

Height of Liberos

Professional Men’s Volleyball: While the average height of players can often be over 6 feet 5 inches (196 cm), liberos are typically shorter. Many top-level male liberos are around 5 feet 10 inches to 6 feet 2 inches (178 cm to 188 cm) tall.

Professional Women’s Volleyball: Players’ average height can often be around or above 6 feet (183 cm). Liberos in women’s professional volleyball usually range from 5 feet 6 inches to 5 feet 10 inches (168 cm to 178 cm).

Collegiate and High School Levels: Heights can vary more significantly at these levels. You might find liberos who are shorter than the professional averages, especially in high school.

Beach Volleyball: Although there isn’t a libero position in beach volleyball, it’s worth noting that height isn’t as critical in the beach version of the game. Many players, regardless of their height, have to master both attacking and defensive skills.

Where Liberos Stand on the Court

They mostly stay at the back, but where exactly they stand can change. They might be on the left, in the middle, or on the right. They decide where to stand based on where the ball might come from. But when it’s their turn to go to the front, they step out, and another player comes in.

6- Defensive Specialist

A defensive specialist in volleyball might not always be in the spotlight, but their role is essential. Like a trusty sidekick, they step in when needed, always ready to defend and support their team.

Role of Defensive Specialist on the Court

The defensive specialist, as the name suggests, is an expert in defensive play. While they can be placed in any back row position, their main aim is to improve the team’s defense. Unlike the libero, a defensive specialist can serve and doesn’t have to wear a different colored jersey.

Responsibilities during the game

Receiving Serves: One of their main tasks is to receive the opponent’s serve, aiming to pass it accurately to the setter.

Digging: They are often diving and rolling on the court to “dig” balls, especially those tough spikes from the opposition, preventing them from scoring.

Covering Ground: A defensive specialist is like a sentinel, always alert, and moving swiftly to ensure no ball lands untouched when they’re on duty.

Serving: Unlike the libero, they serve when it’s their rotation, which adds an offensive element to their play.

Communication of Defensive Specialist on the Court

Claiming the Ball: They’ll often shout “mine” or similar calls when they’re moving to receive a ball, ensuring clear communication and preventing collisions.

Guiding Teammates: From their position, they can see the court layout and will often guide or alert teammates about potential threats or gaps in defense.

Feedback: After a play, they’ll discuss with teammates about improvements or observations to strengthen the defense.

Attributes of a Good Defensive Specialist

Quick Movement: The ability to move fast and get into position is crucial. They need to be everywhere the ball might land.

Sharp Eyes: Anticipating the ball’s direction, understanding the opponent’s body language, and predicting serves or spikes is key.

Strong Passing Skills: Even under pressure, their passes should be accurate, making it easier for the setter and attackers.

Mental Strength: They face a lot of high-pressure situations. Staying calm and focused is essential to make the right decisions.

Positioning of Defensive Specialist on the Court

Defensive specialists can be placed in any of the three back row positions: left back, middle back, or right back. Their position might change based on the coach’s strategy, the opponents’ strengths, or specific game situations. Their goal in any of these positions remains the same: bolster the team’s defense and ensure a strong first contact.

What are serving specialist in volleyball?

In volleyball, every point begins with a serve. A serving specialist is like the opening act that sets the stage. With their unique skills, they can turn the tide of a match with just one powerful or tricky serve.

Serving Specialist Role on the Court

A serving specialist’s primary job is, you guessed it, serving! They’re often subbed into the game specifically to serve, especially in high-pressure situations or when the team needs a change of pace. Their role might seem brief, but it’s pivotal.

Responsibilities of Serving Specialist

Serving: The main duty is to deliver powerful, accurate, and strategic serves, aiming to make it hard for the opponent to return the ball or set up their attack.

Brief Defense: After serving, they might be required to play defense for one rotation if the opposing team returns their serve. Their time on the court is often short, but they must be ready to defend.

Reading the Opponent: Before serving, they’ll study the opposing team’s formation, looking for gaps or weaknesses to exploit with their serve.

Attributes of a Great Serving Specialist

Powerful Arm: A strong serve can disrupt the opposing team’s flow, making it an asset in the specialist’s toolkit.

Variety in Serving: It’s essential to have different types of serves up their sleeve – be it a float, spin, or jump serve. This keeps the opponents guessing.

Consistency: While power and variety are essential, being consistently accurate is key. A serve is only good if it’s in bounds.

Mental Focus: Serving, especially in tight situations, demands concentration. They need the mental strength to serve confidently, even under pressure.

Float Serve vs. Spin Serve: Serving specialists often master various serves. A float serve moves irregularly in the air, making it hard to predict, while a spin serve, with top-spin or side-spin, follows a more curved trajectory, aiming for precision.

Positioning of Serving specialist on the Court

When it’s their turn to serve, the serving specialist will stand at the endline, at any position from left to right, depending on their comfort and the strategy in play. Once the serve is made, they’ll transition to a defensive spot, often in the back row, to be ready if the ball comes their way.

beach volleyball positions

Beach volleyball is different from indoor volleyball. While indoor volleyball features six players on each side with specialized positions, beach volleyball consists of teams of two players. Therefore, beach volleyball doesn’t have the same defined positions as indoor volleyball. However, there are still roles and designations based on player strategies and strengths:

Blocker: The player at the net most of the time. He is responsible for blocking attacks from the opposing player. This player is often the taller of the two players, though this isn’t a strict rule.

Defender (or Digger): The player who plays defense behind the blocker. He is often positioned to dig balls that are hit past the blocker. He is typically quicker and has good ball control skills, enabling them to cover a large portion of the court.

Both players, irrespective of their roles as blocker or defender, must be adept at:

Serving: Every point begins with a serve. The ability to serve consistently and strategically is crucial.

Attacking: Both players need to be capable attackers. The ability to hit shots with precision or power can make the difference in points.

Setting: Given there are only two players, both must be proficient setters. Setting in beach volleyball can be more challenging due to factors like wind and sun.

Communication: Since there are only two players, effective communication is paramount. Players often use hand signals behind their backs to communicate their intended strategy for the next play, especially concerning blocking strategy.

Positioning and Rotations

Players switch sides of the court every seven points to ensure that environmental factors (like sun and wind) affect both teams equally. Players must also rotate serving, meaning they alternate serves regardless of who won the last point.

FAQs about Volleyball Positions

How many positions are there in volleyball?

There are six primary positions in volleyball: setter, outside hitter (or left side hitter), middle blocker, right side hitter (or opposite hitter), libero, and defensive specialist. Additionally, there’s the serving specialist role.

What is the role of a setter?

The setter is like the quarterback of the team, orchestrating the offense by setting the ball to attackers. Their decision-making and hand skills are crucial.

What does an outside hitter do?

Outside hitters play both at the net (for attacking and blocking) and in the back row (for defense and serving).

Why do liberos wear a different jersey?

Liberos wear a different-colored jersey to be easily identified. They have specific rules, like not being allowed to attack the ball above the net’s height, and the different jersey helps referees spot them quickly.

Is a defensive specialist the same as a libero?

While both focus on defense, they’re not the same. A defensive specialist can serve and attack, but a libero has more restrictions. Defensive specialists don’t wear a different-colored jersey like liberos.

What’s the job of a middle blocker?

Middle blockers are primarily at the net, blocking opponents’ attacks and also executing quick hits. Their height and timing are often their biggest assets.

How does the opposite hitter’s role differ from the outside hitter?

Positioned opposite the setter, the opposite hitter usually plays on the right side of the court. They’re responsible for attacking, blocking outside hitters, and playing back row defense.

Who serves in volleyball?

All players, except the libero, typically serve in volleyball. However, some teams use a serving specialist, who is subbed into the game specifically for their serving skills.

Why are some players only on the court briefly?

They are subbed in for specific roles, like serving or defending, and might be replaced once their specific duty is done.

Can players switch positions during a match?

Players must rotate positions after gaining the serve from the opposing team. However, once the ball is served, players can move around and don’t have to stay in a strict formation.

More to read

  • What Do Volleyball Managers Do?
  • How Many Sets are in a Volleyball Game?
  • How to Get Better at Volleyball?
  • Volleyball Terms and Definitions
  • Is Volleyball Hard? Basics of Volleyball
  • How Long is a Volleyball Game
  • Where is Volleyball Most Popular?
  • What is Lift in Volleyball?
  • What is Side Out in Volleyball?
  • What is Scrimmage in Volleyball?
  • Volleyball Scoring
  • Types of Blocking in Volleyball
  • Does Volleyball Make Your Thighs Bigger?
6 Volleyball Positions (Roles, Responsibilities & Attributes) - Volleyball Kit (2024)


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