30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (2024)

Do you want to learn about the SMALLEST birds found in Florida?

Well, you have come to the right place. 🙂

Below, you are going to learn about the tiniest birds around. Incredibly, most of these birds weigh less than an ounce (28 grams)! To put that into perspective, a pencil weighs roughly an ounce.

#1. Downy Woodpecker

  • Dryobates pubescens
30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (1)
  • Length: 5.5 to 7.1 in / 14 to 18 cm
  • Weight: 0.71 to 1.16 oz / 20 to 33 g

Downy Woodpeckers are the smallest woodpecker found in Florida!

You probably recognize them, as they are seen in many yards visiting bird feeders.

Downy Woodpecker Range Map

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (2)

This woodpecker species is easy to attract. The best foods to use are suet, sunflower seeds, and peanuts (including peanut butter). You may even spot them drinking sugar water from your hummingbird feeders! If you use suet products, make sure to use a specialized suet bird feeder.

  • RELATED: The 15 Best Bird Feeders In MY Backyard! (UPDATED)

Once you know what to listen for, my guess is that you will start hearing Downy Woodpeckers everywhere you go. Their calls resemble a high-pitched whinnying sound that descends in pitch towards the end.

And if you’re really good, you can try to identify this species by how they drum on trees, which they do when looking for a mate or establishing a territory. The drumming is so fast it almost sounds like one uninterrupted sound!

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (3)

Press PLAY above to hear a Downy Woodpecker!

#2. American Goldfinch

  • Spinus tristis

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (4)

  • Length: 4.3–5.5 in / 11–14 cm
  • Weight: 0.39–0.71 oz / 11–20 g

These colorful and small birds are common in Florida.

And the best news is they are relatively easy to attract to your backyard. American Goldfinches love feeding on sunflower seeds and Nyjer seeds.

It’s helpful to include bird feeders specially designed for goldfinches. These small birds are easily scared off by larger “bullies.” They will appreciate having places that only they can use!

American Goldfinch Range Map

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (5)

American Goldfinches are strict vegetarians. Their diet is exclusively made of seeds with no insects, which is rare in the bird world.

Because of their diet, American Goldfinches breed later than other birds. They wait until June or July, when most plants are in full seed production, ensuring there is enough food for them to feed their babies.

To identify them by sound, listen for a pretty series of musical trills and warbles.

#3. House Sparrow

  • Passer domesticus

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (6)

  • Length: 6.3 in / 16 cm
  • Weight: 0.85 to 1.39 oz / 24 to 39.5 g

House Sparrows are an invasive species that originated from the Middle East. But now they are one of the most widespread small birds in Florida (and the world)!

Range Map – House Sparrow

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (7)

House Sparrows owe their success to their ability to adapt and live near humans. Because of this, they are almost always found in urban and suburban areas.

House Sparrows can be heard across the entire planet. Pay attention the next time you’re watching the news in another country. Listen for a simple song that includes lots of “cheep” notes.

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (8)

#4. Song Sparrow

  • Melospiza melodia

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (9)

  • Length: 4.3 to 7.1 in / 11 to 18 cm
  • Weight: ~ 1.1 oz / 32 g

These small birds are common in Florida, especially in wet & shrubby open areas.

But sparrows, in general, are difficult to identify due to their abundance and how similar they all tend to look. Until you take a closer look, they all appear “small and brown.”

Song Sparrow Range Map

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (10)

The easiest way to confirm you have seen a Song Sparrow is to listen for their beautiful songs. The most common one they sing, which you can listen to below, consists of three short notes followed by a pretty trill. The song varies depending on location and the individual bird.

#5. House Wren

  • Troglodytes aedon

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (12)

  • Length: 4.3 to 5.1 in / 11 to 13 cm
  • Weight: 0.35 to 0.42 oz / 10 to 12 g

The House Wren is a common small bird found in Florida.

  • RELATED: 5 Wren Species in Florida! (ID Guide)

Even though they rarely visit bird feeders, they are often seen zipping through backyards while hunting insects. A great way to draw these wrens to your yard is to create brush piles, which offer cover and places for insects to gather.

House Wren Range Map

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (13)

House Wrens are commonly encountered by people when their nests are found in odd places.

For example, as a kid, we found a nest in a clothespin bag hanging outside. Before my mom could access her clothespins, she had to wait until the wrens had raised their young and abandoned the twig nest! Other weird spots for nests include boots, cans, or boxes.

One of the best ways to locate a House Wren is to listen for their distinctive song. The best way to describe it is a beautiful, energetic, flutelike melody consisting of rapid squeaky chatters and rattles.

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (14)

#6. White-breasted Nuthatch

  • Sitta carolinensis

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (15)

  • Length: 6.1 in / 15.5 cm
  • Weight: 0.63–1.06 oz / 18–30 g

White-breasted Nuthatches are compact birds with no neck, a short tail, and a long pointy bill. Color-wise, they have distinctive white cheeks, chest, and a blue-gray back.

White-breasted Nuthatch Range Map

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (16)

Look for these small birds in Floridain deciduous forests. But they adapt well to the presence of humans and are often seen at parks, cemeteries, and wooded yards visiting bird feeders.

To attract nuthatches, use sunflower seeds, peanuts, suet, safflower seeds, and mealworms. Choose high-quality food and avoid mixes containing milo or other grains, which most songbirds won’t eat.

These birds are incredibly vocal AND make distinctive noises that are relatively easy to identify! You are most likely to hear a “yank” call, which is given at any time of year. This loud and distinctive noise is often repeated several times in a row. (Press PLAY to listen below)

#7. House Finch

  • Haemorhous mexicanus

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (17)

  • Length: 5 to 6 in / 12.5 to 15 cm
  • Weight: 0.56 to .94 oz / 16 to 27 g

It’s common to see these small birds in Florida near people. Look for House Finches around buildings, backyards, parks, and other urban and suburban areas.

  • RELATED: 6 Types of Finches Found in Florida!

House Finch Range Map

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (18)

House Finches are often the first birds to discover new bird feeders. These birds are intensely curious and rarely travel alone, so their arrival often helps other birds find your feeders, too! I see them eating sunflower seeds and safflower seeds the most in my backyard.

House Finches have a pleasant song, which can be heard year-round. Listen below to a series of jumbled, warbled notes.

#8. Dark-eyed Junco

  • Junco hyemalis

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (19)

  • Length: 5.1 to 6.9 in / 13 to 17.5 cm
  • Weight: 0.63 to 1.06 oz / 18 to 30 g

Dark-eyed Juncos are one of the most common small birds in Florida. You can easily identify them by how smooth their feathers look. Or look for a white flash from their tail feathers as they fly away.

  • RELATED: 5 Easy Ways to Attract Juncos to Your Yard!

Dark-eyed Junco Range Map

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (20)

This species is found in pine and mixed-coniferous forests when they breed, but in winter, they are seen in fields, parks, woodlands, and backyards. Dark-eyed Juncos have earned the nickname “Snowbirds” or “Winter birds” because they only appear in winter in many parts of their range.

Dark-eyed Juncos like to visit bird feeders, but ONLY ON THE GROUND, where they consume fallen seeds.

Males sing a two-second loud, trilling song that can carry hundreds of feet away. In addition, both sexes also sing softer songs that are a mixture of warbles, trills, and whistles.

#9. Pine Siskin

  • Spinus pinus

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (21)

  • Length: 4.3–5.5 in / 11–14 cm
  • Weight: 0.42–0.63 oz / 12–18 g

Pine Siskins are typically found in Florida in mixed evergreen or deciduous forests, but they will move to a new place in search of food, like weedy fields, backyards, or gardens.

These energetic birds can be seen visiting bird feeders during the winter. They prefer to eat smaller seeds without tough shells, such as sunflower or Nyjer seeds.

Pine Siskin Range Map

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (22)

These small birds are very social and search for food in flocks while chirping nonstop to each other. They don’t even stop chattering when flying!

#10. White-crowned Sparrow

  • Zonotrichia leucophrys

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (23)

  • Length: 5.9-6.3 in (15-16 cm)
  • Weight: 0.9-1.0 oz (25-28 g)

During the breeding season, White-crowned Sparrows are found in shrubbery habitats with open grassy areas. In winter, they prefer weedy fields, thickets, and backyards.

  • RELATED: 19 Types of Sparrows Found In Florida

White-crowned Sparrow Range Map

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (24)

If you want to attract these small birds to your feeding station, use sunflower seeds. Just make sure the food is placed on the ground, as they won’t fly up to feeders. And having a brush pile will entice them to stay by giving them places to hide and feel safe.

White-crowned Sparrows are known for their long migration journeys. This sparrow has been known to travel over 300 miles (483 km) in one night!

Males primarily sing, but on occasion, so will females. Their song lasts only a few seconds. Listen below:

#11. White-throated Sparrow

  • Zonotrichia albicollis

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (25)

  • Length: 5.9 to 7.5 in / 15 to 19 cm
  • Weight: 0.78 to 1.13 oz / 22 to 32 g

Look for these small birds in Florida along the edge of forests. They enjoy scratching at the ground under leaves or picking leaves up and moving them out of the way with their bill.

White-throated Sparrow Range Map

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (26)

White-throated Sparrows readily visit bird feeders. You can attract them by offering sunflower seeds or millet and making sure some of the food ends up on the ground, as they won’t fly up to feeders. And having a place for them to hide and find shelter will entice them to stay.

White-throated Sparrows sing a high-pitched whistle that is easy to learn. Just listen for “Oh-sweet-Canada-Canada.”

#12. Red-breasted Nuthatch

  • Sitta canadensis

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (27)

  • Length: 4.5 in (11 cm)
  • Weight: 0.35 oz (9.9 g)

Red-breasted Nuthatches are active little songbirds in Florida that have beautiful coloring. Look for compact birds with almost no neck and a short tail.

These small birds breed in northern North America, the western mountains, and the upper northeast. But during winter, they can truly show up almost anywhere.

These birds travel where needed to make sure they have enough food. In some years, they have been seen as far south as the Gulf of Mexico and Northern Mexico!

Red-breasted Nuthatch Range Map

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (28)

Red-breasted Nuthatches are mostly found in Florida in coniferous forests. Their preferred habitat contrasts sharply with White-breasted Nuthatches, who prefer living in deciduous forests.

These small birds make a fast series of nasally “yank-yank-yank” sounds, which have been compared to the sound that a toy tin horn makes. These calls are typically made by males who are looking for a mate.

#13. Carolina Wren

  • Thryothorus ludovicianus

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (29)

  • Length: 4.9 to 5.5 in / 12.5 to 14 cm
  • Weight: 0.63 to 0.81 oz / 18 to 23 g

Carolina Wrens are a colorful reddish-brown with a distinct white throat and eye line. The edges of their wings and tails are darkly barred, and the bill is long and thin. Both males and females appear similar.

Even though these small birds are common in Florida, due to their secretive nature, they can be hard to see. Look for them in shrubby and bushy areas that provide lots of hiding places.

Carolina Wren Range Map

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (30)

One of the BEST ways to observe Carolina Wrens is by attracting them to your feeders, especially during the colder winter months. I see them feasting on suet the most, but they also eat peanuts, shelled sunflower seeds, and mealworms. Carolina Wrens rarely visit bird feeders during the summer since plenty of insects are around for them to eat.

Carolina Wrens are often heard before being seen! Their song, which is only sung by males, is usually three-parted and sounds like they are saying “tea-kettle tea-kettle tea-kettle.“ These birds are impressive singers, and individuals can make many variations of this song, so you never know exactly what you will hear.

#14. Carolina Chickadee

  • Poecile carolinensis

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (31)

  • Length: 4.5–5.1 in / 11.5–13 cm
  • Weight: 0.32–0.42 oz / 9–12 g

Carolina Chickadees are small with a distinctive black cap and bib, pale white cheeks, a gray back, and white underparts. Both males and females look the same.

You should be able to spot these tiny birds in Florida in deciduous and mixed woodlands and swampy areas. Carolina Chickadees also adapt well to humans and are extremely common in parks and suburban and urban backyards!

Carolina Chickadee Range Map

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (32)

Like most chickadees, they are intensely curious and intelligent. Try attracting them by offering sunflower seeds, peanuts, and suet. Because of their small size and acrobatic abilities, they can use almost every type of bird feeder.

#15. Tufted Titmouse

  • Baeolophus bicolor

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (33)

  • Length: 5.5–6.3 in (14–16 cm)
  • Weight: 0.6–0.9 oz (17–26 g)

These small birds are commonly seen in Florida in deciduous forests, backyards, and city parks. They often flit from tree to tree, looking for food while hanging from branches upside down or sideways.

Tufted Titmouse Range Map

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (34)

Tufted Titmice visit bird feeders regularly, especially in winter. They are shyer than other birds, and they typically fly in quickly, grab a seed, and then fly somewhere else to eat in private. The best food to attract them is sunflower seeds, but they also readily eat peanuts, safflower seeds, and suet.

These birds are very vocal, and my guess is that you will recognize their sounds after listening below. Their song is a fast, repeated whistle that sounds like “peter-peter-peter.”

#16. Ruby-throated Hummingbird

  • Archilochus colubris

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (35)

  • Length: 2.8 to 3.5 in / 7 to 9 cm
  • Weight: 0.071 to 0.212 oz / 2 to 6 g

These small birds are common in Florida during warm summer months.

Once cooler temperatures start to arrive, Ruby-throated Hummingbirds birds migrate to Mexico. Amazingly, most individuals travel ACROSS the Gulf of Mexico to reach their wintering grounds. Remember, they must make this incredibly long journey in a single flight, as there is nowhere to stop and rest. 🙂

  • RELATED: How To Attract Hummingbirds! (25 Simple Tips)

Ruby-throated Hummingbird Range Map

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (36)

Believe it or not, these hummingbirds make distinctive noises. The sounds I hear most often are a series of calls that seem to be given as individuals chase each other around. It resembles a chattering “chee-dit.” Press PLAY below to hear what they sound like!

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (37)

Press PLAY above to hear the sound these birds make!

#17. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

  • Polioptila caerulea

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (38)

  • Length: 3.9–5.1 in / 10–13 cm
  • Weight: 0.18–0.25 oz / 5–7 g

Because of their small size, the easiest way to see one of these birds in Florida might be to listen for it! Keep your ears open for a thin, musical warble. In addition, they have a call note that sounds like a nasally, whining “pzzzzz.“

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Range Map

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (39)

Interestingly, the Blue-gray Gnatcatcher’s breeding range keeps expanding northward. Since records have been kept, they have shifted about 200 miles, consistent with increasing temperatures.

Believe it or not, even though these birds eat many small insects and invertebrates, they don’t eat that many gnats. 🙂

#18. Brown-headed Nuthatch

  • Sitta pusilla

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (40)

  • Length: 3.5–4.3 in / 9–11 cm
  • Weight: 0.35–0.42 oz / 10–12 g

As the name suggests, these tiny birds have a distinctive brown cap on their head. Also, look for a chisel-like bill, blue-gray upperparts, and white underparts. Both males and females look the same!

You will find Brown-headed Nuthatches in Florida living in pine forests. The best habitat has an open understory with mature Loblolly, Shortleaf, Longleaf, and Slash pine trees.

Brown-headed Nuthatch Range Map

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (41)

Brown-headed Nuthatches are social birds, and they are often seen together with members of their family. It’s common for hatchlings from the previous season, especially young males, to stick around and help their parents raise the next brood! These helpers are known to do everything from nest construction to territory defense to feeding nestlings.

Listen for 2-syllable squeaks, which have been compared to a toy rubber ducky being squeezed. These sounds can be repeated up to 12 times and are heard year-round!

Lastly, Brown-headed Nuthatches are one of the few birds that use tools! They sometimes use small pieces of bark to scrape away flakes of bark still attached to the tree, which reveals insects hidden below.

Learn more about other birds in Florida!

  • 21 LARGE Birds that live in Florida

  • 31 MOST Common Birds in Florida!

  • 18 Birds of Prey Found in Florida! (COMMON)

  • 28 Water Birds That Live in Florida! (w/Pics)

Which of these small birds have you seen in Florida?

Let us know in the comments!

30 SMALL Birds that live in Florida (2024) (2024)


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.